Taking Pride in your Investments
The Capital Trust Group, founded in 1985, is a Private Equity, Real Estate and Corporate Finance Advisory firm operating in the UK, Europe, USA, the Middle East and North Africa. The Group has managed 10 funds to date and has offices in London, Beirut and Florida. Our primary objective is to source investments that will produce superior risk-adjusted returns for the Group and its clients.
© Capital Trust Group All rights reserved
Capital Trust Ltd Registered in England. Registered Number: 941064. Registered Office: 5 Bolton Street, Mayfair, London W1J 8BA, United Kingdom Capital Trust Ltd is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Information contained in this website: Click here
Capital Trust Limited, the UK subsidiary of Capital Trust Holdings Inc, is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Updated: 28 August 2015
Disclaimer It has recently come to our attention that unconnected third parties have been receiving unsolicited offers of loan finance/investments opportunities from Capital Trust. Please note that these organisations are in no way affiliated to or part of The Capital Trust Group. The Capital Trust Group does not send unsolicited emails to unconnected third parties. If you require any additional information or clarity on any correspondence received please contact our Compliance Officer, Guy Hodgson, directly at guy@capitaltrustltd.com. May 2023